In an effort to make a difference for good in the pet populations around the world, we partner with breeders, shelters, rescues, vet clinics, animal hospitals and other canine community influencers, to help families achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship!
Without doubt, we know the right partnerships will create additional opportunities for us to help more pet people around the world, building upon the current training processes of today, discovering the tips, tricks, tools and techniques of tomorrow, and integrating more dogs successfully into peoples lives, families and homes!
What's more, we see our partnerships as opportunities to work together and improve our outcomes - where the combination of our efforts are greater than the simple sum of our individual parts! Just imagine, pet professionals like you, complimenting your work with talented training professionals like us, partnering together to do better in transitioning dogs into their forever families for a lifetime of learning, loving and living as well-behaved pets!
"... to help families achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship!"
To provide dog owners with the proven training methods, materials and other resources necessary to become appropriately prepared, properly educated and sufficiently experienced in positive pet parenting, subsequently impacting our canine communities around the world for good and both achieving better animal ownership and experiencing the very best in canine companionship!
We will establish The BAXTER & Bella Company as the premier online dog training and pet parenting program worldwide, successfully strengthening the relationships of animal owners with their canine companions, while also maintaining our family-friendly focus and holding true to the people, the puppies and the principles that matter the most to who we are, as well as who we strive to become!
As we hope you will determine, the BAXTER & Bella Online Puppy School is our way, based upon our backgrounds in puppy raising, positive pet parenting, therapy and service dog training, in addition to our professional experience and education in the areas of individual mentoring, collective coaching, business best practices and curriculum development to help animal owners everywhere live their best lives together - and we would love for you to be a part of it with us!
Why our PARTNERS Program is a win-win-win?
Families receive lifetime training guidance, PARTNERS receive a training support team and we do what we love!

Considering the statistics on how many dogs are abandoned, re-homed, surrendered to shelters and euthanized, the criticality of training and successful animal ownership is at an all-time high! This, coupled with the uniqueness of each family's situation, confirms importance of pet parents being ready, willing and able to do what is necessary for healthy and happy canine companionship. Our step-by-step program, in addition to the included lifetime support, as well as so much more, are specifically designed to help families each and every step of the way - a huge WIN for families!
What's more, understanding much of the initial heavy lifting of proper pet parenting begins with pet professionals like you, we are here to help! In fact, the amount of time, energy and efforts you invest into your dogs for the betterment of their lives is priceless. You are responsible for their initial health & wellness, socialization and foundational learning. You do a lot for these future pets, and enlisting our help to support their future families frees you from this responsibility, allowing you to allocate more time and energy to what matters most to you - a huge WIN for our PARTNERS!
Likewise, as the owners and creators of BAXTER & Bella, we saw an urgent need to make a difference for good in the canine communities around the world and developed our online program to be an easy-to-use and fun-to-follow option for animal owners everywhere to learn how to successfully integrate a dog into their life, family and home! In fact, our program is as much about training dogs, as it is about coaching people. We love what we do, and recognize that not everyone gets to spend their life doing what they are passionate about, but because people like you, trust people like us, we get to - a huge WIN for us!
As PARTERS then, we look to you to help connect us with soon-to-be pet parents in order to properly prepare them for what is to come, to guide them through the process and support them throughout their lives together!
Unfortunately, what oftentimes occurs is families bring home a dog and think it's going to be easy. However months down the road after time has passed and their dog has grown in size, confidence and curiosity, the unresolved puppy problems, which could have been proactively prevented, grow up into ongoing and lasting behavioral issues that families are now reactively trying to deal with. This is what we have come to call THE PUPPY PROBLEM and is why so many dogs are abandoned, re-homed, surrendered to shelters and even euthanized - devastating statistics that we can work together at improving!
Our goal is to help families learn how to be successful, right from the very beginning, even prior to picking up their dog whenever possible, by providing a proactive and proven plan for proper pet parenting and teaching them step-by-step through the entire training process - which is a WIN for the family, a WIN for you and a WIN for us!
We can make a difference for good in the canine communities around the world and our PARTNERS program is a great first step!
Notice, we strongly recommend pet families start the program prior to picking up their dog whenever possible!
Our Online Puppy School, and all of its resources, will help you train your dog to be calm, well-mannered and better behaved, starting with our step-by-step curriculum, which as you can see below, is organized into multiple learning modules, and begins prior to picking up your dog with PREPARING FOR MY PUPPY.

The second learning module is THE FIRST WEEK TOGETHER and starts as soon as you bring your dog home.
Afterwards, you will work through each subsequent learning module at a pace that is best for you and your dog, including BASIC TRAINING, followed by the optional GAMES & ACTIVITIES Course, then INTERMEDIATE TRAINING, the optional AKC Canine Good Citizen Course, and finally ADVANCED TRAINING.
There is also a JUST FOR FUN learning module and THE TRAINING TOOLBOX too, with each individually guiding you and your dog successfully through the training journey and collectively helping you to achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship together!
"It's a one-time purchase that NEVER expires and includes UNLIMITED access to everything we offer!"
Just to confirm, our LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP is a one-time purchase that never expires and includes unlimited access to everything we offer… For example our signature STEP-BY-STEP CURRICULUM to follow, ongoing CLASSES & COURSES to attend, GAMES to play, ACTIVITIES for successful socialization, unlimited one-on-one LIVE! HELP with our team of professionals and so much more!

In short, our online program is designed to be as much about teaching your dog how to act, as it is about coaching you how to train and our team of pet-parenting professionals is here to help each and every step of the way!
Join with us and let's become PARTNERS!
It's working together to achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship!
Become PARTNERS and help us spread the word!
As PARTNERS, we will invite you to talk with families about our online puppy school and provide them with a unique DISCOUNT CODE that we will create just for you. This discount code will allow them to instantly save 25% off our LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP.
What's more, once they become members, we promise to help them each and every step of the way, from even before they pick up their dog and throughout their entire canine coaching experience, as much as they want and as often as they need!
If you are interested in partnering with us... CONTACT US TO JOIN!
If you are interested in learning more about becoming PARTNERS with us, which we sincerely hope you will, please select the link below to CONTACT US TO JOIN, which will redirect you to a page to provide us with your information. Afterwards, you will receive a confirmation email with an option to set up a time for us to talk live together. This will allow us to share more details about who we are, how our program works, as well as getting set up to begin working together toward better animal ownership and the very best in canine companionship!
The best part is, our PARTNERS program is free to join and we look forward to working with you and your pet families soon!